What happens at the moment we die ?

No one for sure can tell what happens at the moment we die, but there are several people with near-death experience who can tell What happens at the moment we die?

Ian McCormack is one of those. While diving for lobster one day on the island of Mauritius was stung on the arm by a box jellyfish. He says that, by the time the ambulance arrived, he felt completely paralyzed and after he made it to the hospital, he was clinically dead for a period of 15 - 20 minutes.

Here's how he described his experience,

“From the darkness, I began to hear men’s voices screaming at me telling me to ‘shut up’—that I ‘deserved to be there’—-that I was ‘in Hell.’ I couldn’t believe it, but as I stood there a radiant beam of light shone through the darkness and immediately began to lift me upward. I found myself being translated up into an incredibly brilliant beam of pure white light—it seemed to be emanating from a circular opening far above me (I felt like a speck of dust being drawn up into a beam of sunlight).”


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