What made Albert Einstein a Genius?

In short, Albert Einstein's brain was different from ours!

What made Albert Einstein a Genius?

Without the contributions of Albert Einstein, our world would be a totally different place. Some of his biggest scientific contributions include,

The Brownian motion which helped us understand the liquids better,

The photoelectric effect which gave us the solar panels,

The world's most famous equation E=mc^2on which the nuclear bombs are based,& the Theory of relativity, which helped us understand the deepest mysteries of the Universe.

So, what made him so smart to do those wonder & change the world forever? Here's what made Albert Einstein a Genius?

When scientists examined Einstein's brain deeply, they find out that Einstein's exterior brain was missing a particular wrinkle called a parietal operculum. So, the size of his parietal lobe was increased by 20%. The parietal lobe is the are of the brain responsible for one's mathematical skills & mental images.

As a result, his ability to imagine things differently was increased, which he used to conduct several thought experiments while working on the Theory of Relativity.

On further examination of his brain, scientists discovered that there were 17% more neurons in Einstein’s brain than a normal person. This means more synapses were being fired in his brain, giving him more brainpower.

So, we can say that apart from his love for science & curiosity to explore things, Albert Einstein was also “lucky” abnormally.

I hope you learned something new from my answer :)


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