
Showing posts from 2020

What If a needle or a grain of sand hits the earth at the speed of light?

We are used to anticipating danger from outer space . A huge almost unknown space hostile to humans and no wonder colossal explosions take place asteroids and comets travel at tremendous speed . There are black holes and all this can potentially cause the death of the earth but what about something small for example an ordinary sewing needle what if one finds itself in space accelerates to the speed of light and then crashes into our planet .   Any object consisting of matter can't move at the speed of light or faster so scientists from NASA are unlikely to ever consider such a disaster well I will do it for them today you'll know how dangerous such small things can be if they are properly accelerated and at the same time, you'll learn about another strange scenario of the end of the world . Our planet is constantly bombarded by various cosmic bodies we don't even notice most of them they just burn up in the atmosphere .     Sometimes celestial b...

Would we ever be able to build a Time Machine?

Well, Time Travel is just a  technical problem  now There are several ways we can travel in time (future), two of them are, 1. Orbiting a Black Hole -  Time slows down as we reach an object with high gravitational potential. So, we could orbit closer to a Black Hole, then for us time will run slower compared to the people on Earth. 2. High Velocity -  As per relativity, the faster we move slower the time gets. So, if we could build a spaceship that can reach speed closer to light, then we would be able to travel in time. As I said, right now time travel is a technical problem & our today's technology isn't advanced enough to build such spacecraft. However, some people are trying make this happen, for example,  Harold White  at NASA is trying to build an  Alcubierre Warp Drive .

Does Aliens exist in our Galaxy...How can we connect with them ?

Believe,  Yes, they do!  Here's why, As per the latest estimation, our Milky Way Galaxy contains between 200-400 Billion stars & there exist at least 100 billion potentially habitable Alien planets.

What is the estimated time our Earth will collapse ?

In about 7.5 billion years our Sun will enter the  red giant phase  and expanded beyond Earth's current orbit. It will expand & consume the entire Earth. That's the most probable fate of Earth we know...

Some strange Facts about Nicola Tesla

Here are some strange facts about  Nikola Tesla  : Nikola Tesla was born during a thunderstorm His parents & relatives thought that he will be a child of darkness but instead, he became a child of light. In an interview in 1926, Nikola Tesla discussed the idea of smartphones & live telecast system, which we all use today. Perls drove him crazy. No one knows why he couldn't stand the sight of pearls. When his secretary wore pearl jewelry, he sent her home for the day. Nikola Tesla had a photographic memory. He was able to memorize entire books, pages, pictures, just after going through them once. Tesla also had a powerful imagination & an ability to visualize in three dimensions, which he used to control the terrifying vivid nightmares he suffered from as a child.

How can space expand faster than the speed of light ?

Albert Einstein published Theory of Special Relativity in 1905, about 10 years later he published General Theory of Relativity on 25 November 1915. Through relativity, Einstein made it very clear that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. But according to the Big Bang Theory space expanded much faster than this speed when it was formed 13.8 Billion ago. Now you would be wondering when nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, then how come our space expansion took place so fast? The answer to this question is that  nothing can move faster than the speed of light  in  our universe , which means those laws & rules are bounded within the Universe. But the universe itself isn't in the universe, so space itself can travel faster than light, but nothing inside it can.

Are aliens real ?

I think so aliens are real but there are 6 types of species found on our planet. One of them is animals and us but the other five are not yet known. We don't have that capability to see them. If you ever happen to read QURAN the Holy Book of Muslims, you could find that Allah has made Prophet (SAWW) Superior over all universes and all types of species. This hits a clue to our brains that aliens may be real. Our eye is blocked to see the other 5 types of species found on our own planet. I think so one of them includes ghosts also but who knows. We could only be able to find it after we are dead. - These are all my personal views only.

Some Facts About The Bermuda Triangle

Bermuda Triangle also is known as  * Devil's Triangle * is one of the biggest mystery of science. Thousands of boats, ships & airplanes have been lost in this area & never found again. Here are some amazing facts about the  Bermuda Triangle, The Bermuda Triangle is not small. In fact, it is quite large and covers an area of 440,000 miles of the sea & its effect can be experienced outside of the triangle too. Whenever any plane or ship disappears in the Triangle, its debris cannot be found. The reason behind this is that Gulf Stream runs near the triangle, which quickly gets rid of the debris. At least 1000 lives are lost within the last 100 years. On average, 4 aircraft and 20 yachts go missing every year. People have experienced electronic fog in the Bermuda triangle, which can be a Time Travel Tunnel too. Pilot Bruce Gernon claims he lost 28 minutes after flying through a time-warping cloud tunnel. The plane went missing from radars, only to re-emerge in ...

What lies behind a Black Hole ?

Black Holes sucks nearly everything that comes in their path, but where does that matter go? Some scientists believe that Black Holes ends up as a White Hole. Once you enter a Black Holes you will come out from the other end in some other universes or far somewhere far away. But it's just a theoretical idea, no scientific proofs.

Why the discoveries of Nikola Tesla kept hidden from us ?

When Nikola Tesla dies all his research papers & personal documents were seized by the FBI & none of them were shown again. It's believed that he was trying to do something big that would change the world forever, even he planned an anti-gravity rocket. But we don't know what happened to the project. After 50 years of his death, one of his seized documents were made public in which he discussed about the  death ray beam.  We will probably never know what he was actually trying to do.

Questions that science couldn't answer yet!! Can you ?

Here's a list of questions that science couldn't answer yet.  credit: TedEd Why do we dream? How did life begin? Are we alone in the universe? What makes us human? What is consciousness? Is the multiverse theory correct? What is dark matter & what are its properties? What is the purpose of human existence? How the Universe will end? How many species exist on earth? What lies beyond the Universe? How gravity works? What existed before the Big Bang? How does a bicycle stay upright? How & Why do we move forwards in time? Why does space have only three dimensions? Can we get energy from nothing? Is the universe really infinite or just very big? How does the brain generate consciousness? Can we replace damaged brain parts with computational devices? What happens when you die? What are the cures for the world's biggest health problems, like cancer and dementia? Can humans reverse or stop aging? Is there a limit to how smart humans can be? Is biology as universal as chemis...

What happens at the moment we die ?

No one for sure can tell what happens at the moment we die, but there are several people with near-death  experience  who can tell  What happens at the moment we die? Ian McCormack  is one of those. While diving for lobster one day on the island of Mauritius was stung on the arm by a box jellyfish. He says that, by the time the ambulance arrived, he felt completely paralyzed and after he made it to the hospital, he was clinically dead for a period of 15 - 20 minutes. Here's how he described his experience, “From the darkness, I began to hear men’s voices screaming at me telling me to ‘shut up’—that I ‘deserved to be there’—-that I was ‘in Hell.’ I couldn’t believe it, but as I stood there a radiant beam of light shone through the darkness and immediately began to lift me upward. I found myself being translated up into an incredibly brilliant beam of pure white light—it seemed to be emanating from a circular opening far above me (I felt like a speck of dust being ...

What made Albert Einstein a Genius?

In short,  Albert Einstein's brain was different from ours ! Without the contributions of Albert Einstein, our world would be a totally different place. Some of his biggest scientific contributions include, The Brownian motion  which helped us understand the liquids better, The photoelectric effect  which gave us the solar panels, The world's most famous equation  E=mc^2 on which the nuclear bombs are based,& the  Theory of relativity , which helped us understand the deepest mysteries of the Universe. So, what made him so smart to do those wonder & change the world forever?  Here's what made Albert Einstein a Genius? When scientists examined  Einstein's brain deeply , they find out that Einstein's exterior brain was missing a particular wrinkle called a  parietal operculum . So, the size of his parietal lobe was increased by 20%. The parietal lobe is the are of the brain responsible for one's mathematical skills & me...

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