How many planets are there in our solar system ?

Most of the people know that there are 8 planets in our solar system.









                         But, that's not true.

According to scientists, there's a ninth planet in our solar system, I'm not talking about Pluto.

In 2014 astronomer observed something which wasn't fitting with the regular revolution of planets around the Sun. They were shocked to see that something was affecting the motion of planets around the sun.

After years of research, they come up with a solution predicting that there's one more planet in our solar system. It was named as Planet Nine.

How many planets are there in our solar system ?

Calculations showed that planet nine has mass ten times of Earth & a diameter two to four times that of Earth. Planet Nine completes its an orbit around the sun in 10,000–20,000 years, it's semi-major axis is estimated to be 700 AU, which is roughly 20 times the distance from Neptune to the Sun.

Thousands of astronomers around the world have made efforts to find this planet but all of them failed. We don't know where it is, we don't know how it looks, we don't know when will it be closest to us, but what we know for sure is that it's there.


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