Why Venus is the hottest planet of Solar System when mercury is closer to Sun ?

Yes, it's a common question that why Venus is the hottest planet when Mercury is closer to the Sun. Here's why,

Our Sun is not just a source of continuous pure energy but also sometimes it produces streams of plasma or charged particles escaping from its upper atmosphere, we call them Solar Winds.
Being the closest planet to the Sun, Mercury's atmosphere is being blown away by the solar winds since it's formation. Today, mercury has an almost negligible atmosphere, most of it contains particles from the solar wind other than traces of helium, hydrogen, and oxygen. So the side facing the Sun can be as hot as 427 degrees Celsius and side facing away can be as cold as -170 degrees Celsius.

Whereas Venus has an atmosphere because it's is too far & the effect of winds is minimum. Having an atmosphere results in the heat of the sun being trapped inside Venus's atmosphere due to the phenomenon we call the Greenhouse Effect. Thus the average temperature is 462 degrees Celsius.


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